Sunday, September 26, 2010

Homer's Odyssey

I have recently read a rather lovely book called Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper. Homer was found as a 2 week old abandoned kitten with severe eye infections. The couple who found him took him to a vet to have him put down however after being checked over the vet discovered that, aside from his eye infections, Homer was a healthy kitten so instead of putting him to sleep she removed his eyes and set about finding a new home for him. Meanwhile Gwen had two cats of her own, a recently failed relationship and no intention of adding to her brood however once she met Homer she felt compelled to give him the love and security he needed.

Homer turned out to be a very remarkable cat and Gwen tells his story interwoven with hers. As Homer had his eyes closed by infection and then removed at such an early age he has never actually been able to see. As a result he doesn't know he's blind and acts just like any other cat. He jumps on furniture, he plays with the other cats, he sneaks treats from the kitchen bench and races around the living room - his every movement  a leap of faith. Watching Homer's strength and courage in dealing with the unknown gave Gwen the strength and courage to take risks in her own life.

A warm and moving story that will appeal to any cat lover. For more information about Homer go to

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